Get ready to be amazed by the stunning quality of our jigsaws at Great British Jigsaws, produced using the most advanced print technology available. With this technology, we are able to maintain the same exceptional level of detail and vibrancy, whether we’re printing a small or large quantity. Our jigsaws are not just a pleasure to put together, but also to touch, thanks to the beautiful silk finish that adds just the right amount of sheen. This finish not only enhances the visual appeal but also eliminates the harsh glare of a high gloss finish, which can often be a hindrance to the puzzle-solving experience. Unlike a dull and flat matt finish, our silk effect has a smooth, velvety texture that invites puzzlers to run their fingers over the completed puzzle – a sensation we lovingly refer to as ‘the jigsaw rub‘. So, get ready for a jigsaw experience like never before – one that will leave you in awe with every touch and every piece placed.

Creating the perfect jigsaw puzzle is an art form, and we take it very seriously. The images are carefully bonded to a 1.75mm blue puzzle board made from recycled paper-based material, a process that requires precision and attention to detail. Our gluing machine operates with an astonishing tolerance of 0.5mm, leaving no room for error and guaranteeing an accurate final product. This is a feat that no hand gluing process could ever match. After being glued, the puzzles undergo a curing process, allowing all moisture to escape, before being trimmed to size on our Platen press.

The real magic happens when the puzzles are placed on our hydraulic jigsaw cutting press, where a unique jigsaw die, created with the help of local company Crosland Cutters, transforms the puzzle into its final form with a staggering 420 tonnes of pressure. Our experienced operators oversee the process, ensuring that each jigsaw is cut to perfection and quality-checked at every step.

Once cut, the jigsaws embark on a journey along a conveyor belt, where they are scrambled and packaged in an automatic bagging machine. The finished product is then placed into its box, ready for the eager puzzler to enjoy. It’s a process that requires skill, patience, and a passion for producing the finest jigsaws on the market.

Great British Jigsaws are the epitome of quality and precision in the puzzle industry. Their state-of-the-art printing technology ensures a stunning visual appeal, while the careful bonding and gluing process using a highly precise machine guarantees accurate cuts. The puzzles are then transformed into their final form using a unique jigsaw die and 420 tonnes of pressure, with experienced operators overseeing the process and quality-checking every step. From the smooth silk finish to the packaging, Great British Jigsaws jigsaws offer a complete and unparalleled jigsaw experience. Consumers seeking top-notch jigsaws should definitely seek out Great British Jigsaws.