26 04, 2021

Seasonal Jigsaws

2022-07-20T20:37:18+00:00By |Reviews|

I've had 6 designs done and the quality is superb, the pieces are tight and they are easily transferred to boards ready for framing. Aimed at the right market these have proved to be a fantastic lockdown extra. Now working on new ideas for seasonal jigsaws Review on Facebook by Graham H Watson (26th April 2021)

19 04, 2021

Great Quality Jigsaws

2022-07-20T20:39:51+00:00By |Reviews|

A wonderful UK based company who make great quality jigsaws. The colours are really good, and the puzzle pieces are lovely to hold. I have received a lot of positive feedback from my customers. Really friendly to work with, highly recommend. Review on Facebook by Emma Joustra (19th April 2021)

18 04, 2021

Well done GB Jigsaws

2022-07-20T20:40:40+00:00By |Reviews|

Great British Jigsaws are exactly that, great, better than that, excellent, a quality product that allows me, as a photographer to offer a brilliant new product that has been received very, very well. Feedback has been excellent from every customer who have loved completing the puzzles. Well done GB Jigsaws! Review on Facebook by Phil Sproson Photography (18th April 2021)

18 04, 2021

British Jigsaws

2022-07-20T20:42:02+00:00By |Reviews|

Great British Jigsaws are exactly as per the name - they’re great, British, Jigsaws! Beautifully cut, lovely lustre finish with excellent quality print and good quality board means these puzzles can be completed multiple times and not show deterioration. When you buy one of these puzzles, you’re supporting a local photographer and printer. Review on Facebook by Sarah Jane Mott (18th April 2021)

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